Todarodes Pacıfıcus
The best of the Squid TestSQUID TUBE IQF Frozen Squid Todarodes Pacificus, Illex or Gigas tubes, skinless, wing off, first ring on, tip on, pure white colour, no discolours, no yellow colours, no nauseous odors. Eu standard chemical treatment(Spanish chemical) .
Product code : ff-21
Category : Products Squıd Tube

Todarodes pacificus is a species of squid in the "flying squid" group. It was first described by Japetus Steenstrup in 1880. Todarodes pacificus is part of the genus Todarodes and the family Ommastrephidae.

TubeSize: U5, U7, U10, 10/15, 15/20, 15-18cm 18-22cm, 22-26cm, 26cm
Ring Size: dia 2/5cm, 3/6cm, 4/8cm T&T: 3/5 inch, 5/8 inch

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